MP360 Family Violence Intervention Program

Program Overview:

MP360 offers a 26-session (13 week) family violence intervention and parenting plus program for batterers entitled “Healing Family Violence” in connection with and at the direction of the Bexar County Court at Law (Domestic Violence Drug Court #13). The program schedules two sessions per class meeting. Approximately half the program will focus on domestic violence issues and half on parenting issues and skills (parenting discussed in a separate webpage). Under the current conditions and health-related restrictions, the sessions will be presented virtually through video conferencing using the Zoom online software. While the use of Zoom conferencing by MP360 is expected to be used for the foreseeable future, the program may be switched to live sessions (at a location to then be determined) if and when appropriate.

NOTE: Anyone referred to our MP360 Program from Bexar County Court of Law 13 with Honorable Judge Rosie Speedlin Gonzalez, please contact John Vacca first via cell 210-519-1304.


Program Principles, Characteristics and Emphasis:

  • The number one priority of the program is safety; primarily the safety of the victim(s). The program protocol includes spouse/partner contacts—informing a batterer’s spouse/partner of program commencement and termination dates as well as a duty to warn the victim of any anticipated and imminent danger by the batterer.
  • Intake procedures (registration via this website) is design to inform and help assess lethality risk, histories of violence, mental health and substance abuse.
  • The program primarily focuses on power and control issues and taking responsibility for one’s behavior (as opposed to anger management).
  • The program is offered in a group setting as MP360 considers this approach to intervention as the most effective format. Important topics in the program include: batterer’s birth family history, upbringing and trauma; control/abuse/violence is a choice; harmful manipulation tactics (dominance, intimidation, threats, humiliation, isolation, and denial/blame); accountability for actions; steps to changing beliefs and behaviors; and repairing and improving relationship.
  • Research and experiences of the court systems and by MP360 facilitators have provided clear evidence of a strong correlation between substance use and domestic violence (about two-thirds of the court cases). The MP360 program, while not specifically a drug treatment or substance use intervention program, includes intensive substance use discussions, listing of recovery/prevention resources, and offering of drug therapy/treatment referrals to the batterer participants. .
  • MP360 program facilitators have extensive training in domestic violence and related social problem areas. They are and will continue to be violence-free, not abusing alcohol or drugs, and strive to be fair, unbiased, non-judgmental and not have sexist attitudes.
  • Batterers are required to pay a fee for service on a session-by-session basis, but provisions may be made for those who are indigent.
  • Attendance at each and every session is mandatory (by the order of the court) and batterers missing any session without a clearly legitimate reason or extenuating circumstances will be reported to and dealt with by court officials. In addition, batterers are also expected to actively participate in the session exercises and discussions, and not just be present.
  • Upon meeting all of the requirements of the MP360 program and the Court, including successful completion of the program, the batterer participant will receive a certificate of program completion from MP360 in a form prescribed by or otherwise acceptable to the Bexar County Court.

Cost and Payment Methods:

The cost to batterer participants is $25.00 per session (which means a total of $50.00 for the two sessions presented at every class/virtual meeting) payable in advance to MP360 online via Paypal using the link below (click on the button) or by direct payment to the MP360 facilitator by check or money order in advance or no later than on the day of that session. Any checks or money orders must be made out to “Mission Possible 360”. No allowances will be made for late payments. No registration or session payments or pre-payments are refundable. NOTE: YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED ENROLLED UNLESS AND UNTIL YOU HAVE AT LEAST PAID THE REGISTRATION FEE.



The total cost of the 13 week / 26-session program at $25 per session is $650. Batterer participants may elect to pay for the entire program in advance will receive a ten-percent (10%) discount and therefore will be charged $585.00 (plus the $25 registration fee). No session payments or pre-payments are refundable.